Thursday 25 September 2014


Just a small word tonight. 

We finished a week of English classes well. Actually, this kind of really scares me when I write here and I tell people that we're doing English classes, cause then I'm worry about my writing. I've got family who are teachers, and friends and family who are ESL know who you are, please be kind. 

Well again tonight an awesome group, 10 students. We had about 5 or so from the middle school where Malu and I help out and then one family of 4 and a father of one of the middle-schoolers. Its great to see how God is opening doors, as a majority of those who came, are from our neighbourhood where we intend to church plant, Lord willing. 

So, tomorrow, Lord willing, we head in to move our vehicle from the Chrysler dealership to the Christian Mechanic...Praise the Lord. This is one of those God things...Piper talks about expecting miracles through avenues that God has blessed for such things, instead of looking else where. I do believe that the Lord has put someone else's blessing in our hands. God used Ester for such a time as this...who's blessing are you holding? Remember Abraham was blessed to what? Be a blessing! Ask yourself right now, who could I bless? What have I been given to be able to bless someone else? Everyone has something to offer. 

Have a good night everyone and please pray for us as we travel through these times. Its not always comfortable when God wants to connect you to Him in a new way, but its always worth it!! 



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